ContainerCollectionRegistratorRegisterTService Method (IEnumerableType, Lifestyle)

Simple Injector
Registers a collection of serviceTypes, whose instances will be resolved lazily each time the resolved collection of TService is enumerated. The underlying collection is a stream that will return individual instances based on the supplied lifestyle, for each call to Current. The order in which the types appear in the collection is the exact same order that the items were supplied to this method, i.e the resolved collection's order is deterministic.

Namespace:  SimpleInjector
Assembly:  SimpleInjector (in SimpleInjector.dll) Version: 5.3.0

public void Register<TService>(
	IEnumerable<Type> serviceTypes,
	Lifestyle lifestyle
where TService : class


Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableType
The collection of Type objects whose instances will be requested from the container.
Type: SimpleInjectorLifestyle
The lifestyle to register instances with.

Type Parameters

The base type or interface for elements in the collection.

ArgumentNullExceptionThrown when serviceTypes is a null reference.
ArgumentExceptionThrown when serviceTypes contains a null element, a generic type definition, or the TService is not assignable from one of the given serviceTypes elements.

Note that this overload only allows all registered serviceTypes to have same lifestyle. In case you need individual elements to have a different lifestyle, please use Append(Type, Type, Lifestyle) to register types one-by-one, or use the RegisterTService(IEnumerableRegistration) overload that accepts a list of Registration instances.
See Also
