SimpleInjector.Integration.Web Namespace

Simple Injector
The SimpleInjector.Integration.Web namespace is part of the SimpleInjector.Integration.Web.dll and contains functionality for integrating Simple Injector with ASP.NET web appliactions. Core type is the WebRequestLifestyle class that allows caching registered services during the execution of a single HTTP request.

Public classSimpleInjectorHttpModule
Simple Injector web integration HTTP Module. This module is registered automatically by ASP.NET when the assembly of this class is included in the application's bin folder. The module will trigger the disposing of created instances that are flagged as needing to be disposed at the end of the web request.
Public classSimpleInjectorWebInitializer
Pre application start code.
Public classCode exampleWebRequestLifestyle
Defines a lifestyle that caches instances during the execution of a single HTTP Web Request. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, instances created by this lifestyle will be disposed at the end of the web request.