SimpleInjectorAddOptions Properties

Simple Injector

The SimpleInjectorAddOptions type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAutoCrossWireFrameworkComponents
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not Simple Injector should try to load framework components from the framework's configuration system or not. The default is true.
Public propertyContainer
Gets the Container instance used by the application.
Public propertyDisposeContainerWithServiceProvider
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the Container instance ued by the application should be disposed when the framework's IServiceProvider is disposed. The IServiceProvider is typically disposed of on application shutdown, which is also the time to dispose the Container. The default value is true.
Public propertyServiceProviderAccessor
Gets or sets an IServiceProviderAccessor instance that will be used by Simple Injector to resolve cross-wired framework components.
Public propertyServices
Gets the IServiceCollection that contains the collection of framework components.
See Also
