ContainerGetTypesToRegister Method

Simple Injector
Overload List

Public methodGetTypesToRegisterTService(IEnumerableAssembly)
Returns all concrete non-generic types that are located in the supplied assemblies and implement or inherit from the supplied TService.
Public methodGetTypesToRegisterTService(Assembly)
Returns all concrete non-generic types that are located in the supplied assemblies and implement or inherit from the supplied TService.
Public methodGetTypesToRegisterTService(IEnumerableAssembly, TypesToRegisterOptions)
Returns all concrete types that are located in the supplied assemblies and implement or inherit from the supplied TService and match the specified options...
Public methodGetTypesToRegister(Type, IEnumerableAssembly)
Returns all concrete non-generic types that are located in the supplied assemblies and implement or inherit from the supplied serviceType. serviceType can be an open-generic type.
Public methodGetTypesToRegister(Type, Assembly)
Returns all concrete non-generic types that are located in the supplied assemblies and implement or inherit from the supplied serviceType. serviceType can be an open-generic type.
Public methodGetTypesToRegister(Type, IEnumerableAssembly, TypesToRegisterOptions)
Returns all concrete types that are located in the supplied assemblies and implement or inherit from the supplied serviceType and match the specified options... serviceType can be an open-generic type.
See Also
